Equipped with advanced technology, our Flotation Deinking Machine optimizes the removal of ink, filler, and other impurities from recycled paper pulp. Its innovative flotation system separates the contaminants from the pulp, allowing for a cleaner and higher-quality paper production. By effectively removing these impurities, our machine ensures greater paper strength, improved brightness, and enhanced printability.
More Information Of Flotation Deinking Machine
Enhanced Efficiency: Removes ink, filler, and impurities, resulting in higher-quality paper production.
Sustainability: Minimizes water consumption, maximizes pulp recovery, and ensures a greener recycling process.
User-Friendly Interface: Simple operation and maintenance, reducing downtime and increasing productivity.
Durability: Built with high-quality materials, ensuring long-term reliability and reducing maintenance costs.
Leizhan can provide multifunctional pulping equipment for paper mills. If you are interested, please contact us for more details.
Email: pulppaperpump@gmail.com